A Glimpse Into The Wonderful World Of Pizza

Olive Street Table Gourmet French Pastry Pizza Sampler (Pack of 6)Pizza originated in Italy and was spread around the world from one end to the other. Today, it is a popular food for children and adults alike. People make it in many different ways, with toppings that to some may seem abhorrent while to others, their favorite version is a delicacy.

How to Make the Perfect Root Beer Float

Boylan Bottleworks 12 oz. Root Beer 12packA root beer float is one of the most popular drinks in America and is so simple to make yet so incredibly tasty. It is also a lot more versatile than most people think.
Now that American root beers are available to buy in the UK there is no excuse not to at least try one and begin loving them! Here’s how to go about making the perfect root beer float.
What You’ll Need

Tips and Tricks For Making Better Burgers

Weber's Way to Grill: The Step-by-Step Guide to Expert Grilling (Sunset Books)Summertime is grilling season. The warm weather just seems to bring out the charcoal, the grills and the tantalizing aroma of food cooking to perfection on an open flame. But grilling is an art style and creating the perfect burger can be the Holy Grail for anyone who considers themselves a master griller.

Bread: A Staple in Your Kitchen

Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day: The Discovery That Revolutionizes Home BakingBread is a staple food in almost every country. Although different countries prepare it differently and may have different names for it, bread is a universal food that everyone enjoys. In America, white bread is the most popular but that is changing with growing awareness of the health benefits of multigrain breads. Thanks to the diversity of American citizens, many varieties are available for purchase in bakeries, markets and grocery stores.

Sandwiches Are Not Just For a Packed Lunch

Cuisinart GR-1 Griddler Panini and Sandwich PressWhen most people think of sandwiches, their thoughts probably immediately go to packed lunches. That makes sense. The sandwich is the perfect meal to pack in a picnic basket, lunchbox or even briefcase. Sandwiches are portable and can be customized to fit your tastes. Maybe that is why people all over the world eat so many sandwiches each year. But sandwiches are not just for lunch anymore. It is not uncommon to see sandwiches on menus for breakfast and dinner too.

Mediterranean Cuisine Offers a Fiesta of Regional Tastes

A Mediterranean Feast: The Story of the Birth of the Celebrated Cuisines of the Mediterranean from the Merchants of Venice to the Barbary Corsairs, with More than 500 RecipesSay "Mediterranean cuisine" and many diners think automatically of Italian, coastal French or Spanish food. However, the regions around Mediterranean Sea also boast a wide range of ingredients used in many regional variations.
Two ingredients that are common to most regional Mediterranean cuisines are olive oil and garlic. Many countries that ring the Mediterranean have climates conducive to growing both olives and garlic, and people always use foods that are commonly grown where they live. Fish and seafood dishes are common, although over-fishing in the region has resulted in the need to import some stock.